Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I've unfortunately been neglecting my blog... I know shame on me. I have been working out though so no worries. My last update was from a week ago and since then I've completed several runs. I am trying to get on the treadmill a lot more and have been doing a decent job of it. I've been experiencing some quad/groin area pain but for the most part I've been working through it. Today is a 3.5 mile with some strength training... I'll try to complete the 3.5 on the treadmill but I'm going easy on the strength training. Saturday was another 4 mile run and while I did have to walk my pace was pretty good, not great but definitely an improvement.

Ummm not much to say but I'll update some more tomorrow...


  1. maybe we shouldn't mention that we took the day off...though i will say that was my fault, not yours.

  2. well we do have an allotted rest day we just chose to take it a day early... back to the grind today!

    It was not completely your fault, I was a willing participant.

  3. uhmmm, if yesterday was a the allotted rest day, then what was monday?

  4. HA! i thought that was what yesterday was...
