Sunday, July 19, 2009

4 miles hmm yeah I'm crazy

So Saturday was the 4 mile run... it was a beautiful day for a run fortunately since the temp was around 64 degrees and there was a lovely breeze. It was truly pleasant weather... the sun was a bit hot but the shade was near perfect. I'll be honest I ran probably half of it total and walked the remaining 2 miles. The first mile I did run then I started to walk alternately between running, walking, running, sprinting, walking, running... apparently I have to retrain myself as Crystal says I appear to be more of a speed runner and not quite a distance runner. So... yay... nah actually it is okay because that definitely explains a lot. I have to teach myself to run at a set pace and I'm slowly working towards that. Not to mention learning to run on hard surfaces rather than on trails which is a big difference and my knees etc aren't quite ready for that.

My main concern really because the things above I can overcome is teaching myself to breathe properly... I'm having some bad side cramps due to breathing and slight dehydration so... that's definitely a first concern. I will say though my body seems to be doing well. I'm a bit sore but I certainly don't feel as if I can't run again. I even attempted to jog to see how my body felt yesterday evening (you know from car to house to car again) and it was fine... no near collapses :) I think most of the soreness is attributed to the weight training which is good. Today is a strength day so we'll see how I handle that since I don't have access to any machines and I'll update tomorrow. It's a beautiful day and I do believe I'll be heading to the market to pick up some more veggies and fruits. MMMM...



  1. you know, breathing is all about rhythm. you've never seemed to have any trouble with that. so you just need to find your groove...

  2. Hmm rhythm...

    Working on it... I'd hate to pass out from holding my breath O_O talk about embarrassing
